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Dunit Filters

Dunit features some filters to add functionality to tests, using the following format:

tests["name"] = filter =
	/* test */


This test should throw an exception of a particular type (or subclass of that type). Throwing no exception is an error. Throwing a different type of exception is an error. Throwing an exception of the requested type is not an error.

tests["throw an exception"] = expectedException!(MyException) =
	// The exception is thrown, so the test succeeds.
	throw new MyException();
tests["no exception"] = expectedException!(MyException) =
	// I'm not throwing an exception, so this test fails.
tests["wrong exception"] = expectedException!(MyException) =
	// I'm throwing the wrong type of exception, so this test still fails.
	throw new AbandonedMutexException();


Tests usually have to take no arguments. The parameters filter allows you to have tests that take arguments. Currently, this only allows one-argument tests.

tests["parameters"] = parameters("hello", "goodbye", "strom thurmond") =
(char[] name)
	assert (name != "strom thurmond");