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Goldie Home -> Documentation -> API Reference -> class Language

Goldie: API Reference: class Language

Public API

public class Language
	// Information from CGT
	public wchar[] name;
	public wchar[] ver;
	public wchar[] author;
	public wchar[] about;
	public bool    caseSensitive;
	public char[]  filename;
	// Information from CGT
	public GoldSymbol[]    symbolTable;
	public GoldCharSet[]   characterSetTable;
	public GoldRule[]      ruleTable;
	public GoldDFAState[]  dfaTable;
	public GoldLALRState[] lalrTable;
	// Information from CGT
	public int startSymbolIndex;
	public int initialDFAState;
	public int initialLALRState;
	// Information from CGT
	public int eofSymbolIndex;
	public int errorSymbolIndex;

	// Property: Actual GoldSymbol referred to by eofSymbolIndex and errorSymbolIndex
	public GoldSymbol eofSymbol();
	public GoldSymbol errorSymbol();

	// Send debugging info to stdout when loading a CGT
	public static bool outputDebugInfo=false;
	// Usually just called by the Goldie.parse*() functions
	public GoldLexer lexFile(char[] filename);
	public GoldLexer lexCode(char[] source, char[] filename="");
	// Usually just called by the Goldie.parse*() functions
	public GoldParser parseTokens(TokGold[] tokens, char[] filename="", GoldLexer lexerUsed=null);
	public GoldParser parseFile(char[] filename);
	public GoldParser parseCode(char[] source, char[] filename="");

See Also