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Version 9 (modified by Abscissa, 14 years ago)

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Goldie Home -> Documentation -> Installation


For documentation on a newer version of Goldie, see Documentation For Specific Versions.

Goldie: Installation

Assuming you already have DMD, Tango and DSSS/Rebuild installed (DSSS/Rebuild is only needed if you want to build the sample apps):

1. Download Goldie and SemiTwist D Tools r86. You can obtain both via Subversion:

svn co -r 86 SemiTwistDTools
svn co Goldie

Alternatively, you can download a prepackaged archive (in .zip, .7z, or .tar.bz2 format) that includes SemiTwistDTools from the Prepackaged Downloads section. The .7z format is highly recommended (for all OSes) because it's roughly one-quarter (!) the size of the others.

2. [This step is only needed if you wish to build the sample apps and you're not using Windows or Linux x86.]

Build SemiTwist D Tools. From SemiTwist D Tools's root directory:


3. [This step is only needed if you wish to build the sample apps or use the tools in SemiTwist D Tools for your own projects.]

Add SemiTwist D Tools's bin directory to your PATH environment variable.

On WinXP, environment variables can be accessed by: Right-Click on My Computer, Properties, Advanced tab, Environment Variables button.

4. Tell your compiler where to find Goldie and SemiTwist D Tools.

To do this for DMD:

Go to DMD's bin directory and open sc.ini (Windows) or dmd.conf (All other OSes). On the line that starts with...


...add the following flags...

-I{path to SemiTwistDTools}/src -I{path to Goldie}/src

...and save.