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Using the Visual Studio Plug-in

The debug engine MagoNatDE can be registered to allow source-level D debugging in Visual Studio. This has been tested with Visual Studio 2005 and 2008; and it's assumed to work as well with VS 2010.

There are two ways to use the debug engine with VS: thru a project system or stand-alone.

The following steps describe how to run the debugger without the help of a VS project system. Once they're finished, you'll find a new item at the top of the Tools menu that you can use to launch the debug engine for the open project. For more details, see the file ReadMe.txt at the root.

  1. Register the COM server MagoNatDE.dll.
  2. Import into the registry the settings appropriate for your system and Visual Studio version. They can be found in the Install folder.
  3. Put the MagoDELauncher Add-In where VS will look for it.

If you're using a project system for D that has integrated the Mago Debugger, then you can start a debug session as you normally do by using the Start Debugging command (F5).

If you're building a project system for D, you can find the GUID for the debug engine in all of the EngineMetric registry files.