= Welcome to Scrapple = Lots of little modules that don't otherwise fit together. Sort of a home for orphan projects. = Current modules = * Arg Bind - A [wiki:arg_bind static closure] template source:trunk/arg_bind * Backmath - A template library for doing back solving of equations by way of symbolic math at compile time. ( source:trunk/backmath ) * bevutils - Set of Classes for building Windows Services: source:trunk/bevutils (see [source:trunk/bevutils/docs/index.html?format=raw documentation]) * BigNum - A static size arbitrary precision template library that allows the use vary large (>5kb) integers source:trunk/bignum * Bignumber - A simple Big Number module integers source:trunk/Bignumber * CGI - modules: source:trunk/cgi * [source:trunk/csvRange/csvRange.d csvRange] - allows the parsing of CSV files and otherwise similar delimited files using alternative delimiters on-the-fly ([http://cis.jhu.edu/~dsimcha/csvRange.html docs]) * DGLUT - OpenGL stuff ( source:trunk/dglut ) * [source:trunk/scilexer D Lexer for Scintilla] - A D lexer module for Scintilla with extensive support for D2 features. * DMPP - ( source:trunk/dmpp ) * DParser - A template-based parser generator: source:trunk/dparser * filesystem - source:trunk/filesystem * Future - Simple asynchronous function calls: source:trunk/future * Iterators - Simple and quite easy to use iterator library for D: [source:trunk/iterators/iterators.html?format=raw documentation], source:trunk/iterators * [wiki:LodePngLibrary lodepng] - PNG codec ported from C++ - source:trunk/lodepng * [source:trunk/log_api Log API] - A lib for wrapping function calls, targeted at wrapping C APIs. * LRUCache - A simple Least Recently Used Cache ["LRUCache"] ( source:trunk/lrucache ) * NNTP _ An access library: source:trunk/nntp * [wiki:PtraceUtility ptrace] - Utility to convert dmd profiler output to html - source:trunk/ptrace * [wiki:QD] - A simple graphics API, modelled after QBasic for DOS. source:trunk/qd * Scripts - Includes a script for installing/updating DMD on a Linux box. ( source:trunk/scripts ) * Search: a web CGI app for searching the server's file system. - source:trunk/search * [source:trunk/Serial Serial]: blog posts ([http://arrayboundserror.blogspot.com/2009/05/serialization-for-d-part-1-of-n.html part 1], [http://arrayboundserror.blogspot.com/2009/05/serialization-for-d-part-11-of-n.html part 1.1], [http://arrayboundserror.blogspot.com/2009/05/serialization-for-d-part-2-of-n.html part 2], [http://arrayboundserror.blogspot.com/2009/05/serialization-for-d-part-3-of-n-with.html part 3]) * [source:trunk/tempAlloc/tempAlloc.d TempAlloc] - A struct for allocating memory from thread-local regions in a last in, first out order, useful for getting around threading bottlenecks. * testeD - A small unit testing library for D source:trunk/testeD * [wiki:TinyJpegDecoder Tiny Jpeg Decoder] - C to D conversion: source:trunk/tinyjpeg * tools - source:trunk/tools * [source:trunk/units/ Units] - A physical units tracking type. * [source:trunk/weakref WeakRef] - A weak reference class compatible with both Phobos and Tango. = Other Links = * TracGuide: built-in documentation * TitleIndex: a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex. = Project Information = ||Name||'''[[ProjectInfo(name)]]''' ||Category||[[ProjectInfo(cat_name)]] ||Status||[[ProjectInfo(status_id)]] - [[ProjectInfo(status_name)]] ||Short Description||[[ProjectInfo(short)]] ||Long Description||[[ProjectInfo(long)]] ||Forum||[/forums/viewforum.php?f=124] ||Home Page||[[ProjectInfo(home_page)]]