= Welcome to Tango.Scrapple = A collection of handy Tango based codes and classes that otherwise don't have a home. == Downloads == * stable : [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/changeset/49/trunk?old_path=%2F&format=zip tango.scrapple.zip] * svn : svn co http://svn.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/trunk tango.scrapple == Current Module List == * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/thread/Actor.d Actor] -- An implementation of the actor model of concurrency for D. An Actor is a thread with built-in message-passing support for concurrency. * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/util/Arguments.d Arguments] -- Command line argument parsing. * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/util/Hex.d Hex] -- Module for handy Hex functions. Currently contains ''hexDump'', a function that prints nicely formatted hex dumps, and string to ubyte (and vice versa) converters. * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/io/Logout.d Logout] -- A wrapper around the Tango logging classes that provides quick and easy use in a manner consistent with the Tango Stdout module. Features additional logging levels for more control, lazily evaluated log output for efficient use, and automatic utilization of both console and disk output. * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/text/convert/parseFrom.d parseFrom] / [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/text/convert/parseTo.d parseTo] -- Lightweight and efficient data type and text conversion templates. Works with nearly any data type including arrays and associative arrays, and is unicode aware. * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/protocol/PlainTextProtocol.d PlainTextProtocol] -- A protocol for compatibility to a widely used mechanism for saving data to files and reading it back with methods like printf and scanf. * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/io/filter/RawCoutFilter.d RawCoutFilter] -- A filter for doing raw Cout. * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/sys/win32/Registry.d Registry] -- Win32 registry handling. * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/util/Test.d Test] -- Unit testing. * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/thread/ThreadPool.d ThreadPool] -- Automatically create a pool of threads to work on a given function. * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/io/Tilde.d Tilde] -- Tilde path expansion for Posix systems. * [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/browser/trunk/tango/scrapple/util/uuid Uuid] -- An implementation of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UUID UUID] data type and generators. For a complete Tango.Scrapple module listing see the API documentation. == Submissions == If you've got some Tango based code lying around that you think everyone could benefit from let us know! To submit your scrapple to the project please [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango.scrapple/newticket create a ticket]! Prior to submitting please review the Tango [http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango/wiki/RollickingFellowsGuide coding standards guidelines]. The code in Tango.Scrapple is intended as a staging ground for inclusion into Tango mainline, so ensure that formatting follows Tango standards, and appropriate ddoc documentation is provided. == Maintainer == Tango.scrapple is currently unmaintained! If you would like to take over maintainership please contact: * Tim Burrell (tim burrell gmail com)