
module defining Object, the root class of all D objects, interfaces, ClassInfo and TypeInfo it is implicitly included by the compiler in all D files
alias typeof(int.sizeof) size_t #
unsigned integer type of the size of a pointer
alias typeof(cast(void*)0 - cast(void*)0) ptrdiff_t #
signed integer type of the size of a pointer
alias size_t hash_t #
type of hashes used in associative arrays
alias int equals_t #
type returned by equality comparisons
class Object #
root class for all objects in D
char[] toString() #
returns a string representation of the object (for debugging purposes)
hash_t toHash() #
returns a hash
int opCmp(Object o) #
compares two objects, returns a number ret, such (a op b) is rewritten as (a.opCmp(b) op 0) thus if a>b a.opCmp(b)>0
equals_t opEquals(Object o) #
returns 0 if this==o
struct Interface #
interface, if COM objects (IUnknown) they might not be casted to Object
ClassInfo classinfo #
class info of the interface
ptrdiff_t offset #
offset to Interface 'this' from Object 'this'
class ClassInfo : Object #
class information
char[] name #
class name
Interface[] interfaces #
implemented interfaces
ClassInfo base #
base class
void* destructor #
compiler dependent storage of destructor function pointer
void* classInvariant #
compiler dependent storage of classInvariant function pointer
uint flags #
flags 1: IUnknown 2: has no possible pointers into GC memory 4: has offTi[] member 8: has constructors
OffsetTypeInfo[] offTi #
offsets of its members (not supported by all compilers)
void* defaultConstructor #
compiler dependent storage of constructor function pointer
TypeInfo typeinfo #
TypeInfo information about this class
ClassInfo find(char[] classname) [static] #
finds the classinfo of the class with the given name
Object create() #
creates an instance of this class (works only if there is a constructor without arguments)
struct OffsetTypeInfo #
offset of the different fields (at the moment works only with ldc)
class TypeInfo #
information on a type
hash_t getHash(void * p) #
returns the hash of the type of this TypeInfo at p
equals_t equals(void * p1, void * p2) #
returns 0 if the types of this TypeInfo stored at p1 and p2 are different
int compare(void * p1, void * p2) #
compares the types of this TypeInfo stored at p1 and p2
size_t talign() #
Return alignment of type
size_t tsize() #
returns the size of a type with the current TypeInfo
void swap(void * p1, void * p2) #
swaps the two types stored at p1 and p2
TypeInfo next() #
"next" TypeInfo (for an array its elements, for a pointer what it is pointed to,...)
uint flags() #
flags, 1: has possible pointers into GC memory
OffsetTypeInfo[] offTi() #
offsets of the various elements
class ModuleInfo #
information about a module (can be used for example to get its unittests)
char[] name #
name of the module
ModuleInfo[] importedModules #
ClassInfo[] localClasses #
void function() unitTest #
unit tests of the module
int opApply(int delegate( ref ModuleInfo )) [static] #
loops on all the modules loaded
class Exception : Object #
base class for all exceptions/errors it is a good practice to pass line and file to the exception, which can be obtained with __FILE__ and __LINE__, and then passed to the exception constructor
struct FrameInfo #
Information about a frame in the stack
long line #
line number in the source of the most likely start adress (0 if not available)
ptrdiff_t iframe #
number of the stack frame (starting at 0 for the top frame)
ptrdiff_t offsetSymb #
offset from baseSymb: within the function, or from the closest symbol
size_t baseSymb #
adress of the symbol in this execution
ptrdiff_t offsetImg #
offset within the image (from this you can use better methods to get line number a posteriory)
size_t baseImg #
base adress of the image (will be dependent on randomization schemes)
size_t address #
adress of the function, or at which the ipc will return (which most likely is the one after the adress where it started) this is the raw adress returned by the backtracing function
char[] file #
file (image) of the current adress
char[] func #
name of the function, if possible demangled
char[] extra #
extra information (for example calling arguments)
bool exactAddress #
if the address is exact or it is the return address
bool internalFunction #
if this function is an internal functions (for example the backtracing function itself) if true by default the frame is not printed
FramePrintHandler defaultFramePrintingFunction [static] #
the default printing function
void writeOut(void delegate(char[]) sink) #
writes out the current frame info
void clear() #
clears the frame information stored
interface TraceInfo #
trace information has the following interface
char[] msg #
message of the exception
char[] file #
file name
size_t line #
line number
TraceInfo info #
trace of where the exception was raised
Exception next #
next exception (if an exception made an other exception raise)
this(char[] msg, char[] file, long line, Exception next, TraceInfo info) #
designated constructor (breakpoint this if you want to catch all explict Exception creations, special exception just allocate and init the structure directly)
char[] toString() #
returns the message of the exception, should not be used (because it should not allocate, and thus only a small message is returned)
void writeOutMsg(void delegate(char[]) sink) #
writes out the message of the exception, by default writes toString override this is you have a better message for the exception
void writeOut(void delegate(char[]) sink) #
writes out the exception message, file, line number, stacktrace (if available) and any subexceptions