

BSD style: see license.txt


Initial release: March 2004


Christopher Miller Kris Bell Anders F Bjorklund (Darwin patches)

The original code has been modified in several ways:

1) It has been altered to fit within the Tango environment, meaning that certain original classes have been reorganized, and/or have subclassed Tango base-classes. For example, the original Socket class has been wrapped with three distinct subclasses, and now derives from class tango.io.Resource.

2) All exception instances now subclass the Tango IOException.

3) Construction of new Socket instances via accept() is now overloadable.

4) Constants and enums have been moved within a class boundary to ensure explicit namespace usage.

5) changed Socket.select() to loop if it was interrupted.

All changes within the main body of code all marked with "Tango:"

For a good tutorial on socket-programming I highly recommend going

