This document has been placed into the public domain by Kris {{{ #!d private import,; /******************************************************************************* List ".d" files and enclosing folders visible via a directory given as a command-line argument. In this example we're also postponing a flush on Stdout until output is complete. Stdout is usually flushed on each invocation of newline or formatln, but here we're using '\n' to illustrate how to avoid flushing many individual lines *******************************************************************************/ void main(char[][] args) { const(char)[] root = args.length < 2 ? "." : args[1]; Stdout.formatln ("Scanning '{}'", root); auto scan = (new FileScan)(root, ".d"); Stdout.format ("\n{} Folders\n", scan.folders.length); foreach (folder; scan.folders) Stdout.format ("{}\n", folder); Stdout.format ("\n{} Files\n", scan.files.length); foreach (file; scan.files) Stdout.format ("{}\n", file); Stdout.format ("\n entries inspected\n").flush; } }}}