= Comments for the Phobos Migration page = ''Please add comments or ideas on what to put on the migration page here'' == By Jason House September 2007 == In addition to code changes, info (or a link to info) on how to change compiler config/files should be provided. == By Christian Kamm August 2007 == * isNan should be !<>= 0 instead of !<> 0. * tango.io.FileProxy does not exist == By Clay Smith July 2007 == === std.math === tango.core.Math has moved to tango.math.Math === std.stream === Doesn't tell me anything I need to know to replicate std.stream functionality in tango. If modules are simply renamed, could it at least provide the path to the renamed tango file? === std.signals === Doesn't mention anything about tango's signals. == Handled comments == === By Dalek April 2007 === ==== std.gc ==== Apparently it has moved to tango.core.Memory.gc ==== std.thread/std.socket ==== Refer to http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango/wiki/EchoServer, it's a good introduction. ==== std.io ==== import std.io; writefln("Lucky number is %s.", 42); becomes: import tango.io.Stdout; Stdout.format("Lucky number is {0}.\n", 42) For low level text output you also can use: import tango.io.Console; Cout("Lucky number is 42.") Both may be merged in the near future. ''Note that this is not likely. Tango ed.''