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        Shows how to create a basic socket server, and how to talk to
        it from a socket client. Note that both the server and client
        are entirely simplistic, and therefore this is for illustration
        purposes only. See HttpServer for something more robust.


private import  tango.core.Thread;

private import;

private import;


        Create a socket server, and have it respond to a request


void main()
        const int port = 8080;

        // thread body for socket-listener
        void run()
                auto server = new ServerSocket (new IPv4Address(port));

                // wait for requests
                auto request = server.accept;

                // write a response
                request.output.write ("server replies 'hello'");

        // start server in a separate thread, and wait for it to start
        (new Thread (&run)).start;
        Thread.sleep (0.250);

        // make a connection request to the server
        auto request = new Socket;
        request.connect (new IPv4Address("localhost", port));

        // wait for and display response (there is an optional timeout)
        char[64] response;
        auto len = (response);
        Cout (response[0..len]).newline;
