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Tango Installation for DMD

Tango is currently packaged in two formats: either with or without a compiler. Installing with a bundled compiler is easier since there's less configuration required. API documentation is available as a zip or online.

Quick install with a bundled compiler


Download this package and unzip it into a directory. Set the system path to point at the extracted bin directory, and you are good to go.

You will also need some additional static libraries if you are using Windows and wish to use the zlib or bzip2 compression classes. These should be extracted to the lib directory.


Download the package for Linux, OSX or FreeBSD and untar it. Add the bin directory from the extracted package to PATH, and you can fire up the compiler.

Installing with an existing compiler


Download this package and extract the contents of bundle into an existing dmd\windows directory. This will overwrite the existing windows\bin\sc.ini, add bob.exe and jake.exe to windows\bin, and adds tango.lib to windows\lib.

You will also need some additional static libraries if you are using Windows and wish to use the zlib or bzip2 compression classes. These should be extracted to the windows\lib directory.


Download this package for Linux, OSX or FreeBSD and extract it. Copy the contents of tango-bundle into an existing dmd/[linux/freebsd/osx] directory. This will overwrite the existing [linux/freebsd/osx]/bin/dmd.conf, add bob to [linux/freebsd/osx]/bin, and add libtango-dmd.a to [linux/freebsd/osx]/lib.

Example code


void main()
    Stdout ("hello, sweetheart \u263a").newline;

Explicit Installation

See details here.

Tool configuration

User Comments



  • (56.3 kB) -Additional static libraries for DMD on Windows, added by DRK on 03/31/10 01:21:02.