= Application path = ''Part of'' TutorialAdvanced == Description == Shows how to find the path of the current executable (Windows-only). == Example == {{{ #!d /* Tested with DMD 1.0 */ import std.c.windows.windows; import std.c.stdio; import std.string; extern(C) int strlen(char* c); extern(Windows) { DWORD GetModuleFileNameA(HMODULE hModule, LPSTR lpFilename, DWORD nSize); HMODULE GetModuleHandleA(LPCSTR lpModuleName); } char[] AppExePath() { /* returns the Path to the current .exe module (e.g. "F:\PGM\D\TRAYICON\") */ char[] strtmp; strtmp.length = 1024; GetModuleFileNameA(GetModuleHandleA(null), cast(char*) strtmp.ptr, 1024); int j = rfind(strtmp[0..strlen(strtmp.ptr)], "\\"); strtmp = strtmp[0..j+1]; return strtmp; } void main() { printf("%.*s\n", AppExePath); } }}} == Source == || Link || http://www.dsource.org/tutorials/index.php?show_example=91 || || Posted by || jcc7 || || Date/Time || Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:44 am ||