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Dealing with strings copy

Part of ArraysCategory


This example shows several ways to declare strings and how their copy is managed.


import std.c.stdio;
import std.string;

int main(char[][] args)
    char[] s = new char[4];
    char[] s1;
    char[] s2;
    char[4] s3;
    char[] s4 = "hello";
    char[6] s5 = "hello1"; 
    s = "a";
    printf("s = %.*s\n", s);
    // memory is automatically allocated
    s1 = "b";
    printf("s1 = %.*s\n", s1);
    // in this way a reference is copied ...
    s2 = s4;
    printf("s2 = %.*s\n", s2);
    s4[3] = 'p';
    s4[4] = '\0';
    // ... and the string s2 IS modified too
    printf("s2 = %.*s\n", s2);
    // s3 = "c"; no: static strings cannot change references
    // but we can copy in them new values without worrying about dup (here we copy the first chars)
    // we must use slices to match the dimensions
    s3[] = s5[0..4];
    s = s5;
    s1 = s5.dup;
    s5[3] = 'p';
    s5[4] = '\0';
    // static arrays will always have a copy of data
    printf("s3 = %.*s\n", s3);
    // in this case the reference IS changed
    printf("s = %.*s\n", s);
    // to avoid the previous behaviour we must duplicate the contents with dup
    printf("s1 = %.*s\n", s1);
    return 0;


This example will produce a segmentation fault on Linux because string literals are read-only.


Posted by Anonymous