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Decorator Pattern

Part of TutorialDesignPatterns


Examples of implementing the Gang of Four Decorator Pattern. You can find description on:

Example : Decorator Pattern

/* This code is written since v1.x, If you want to use this code in v2.x just add override in the toString() */

import std.stdio;
import std.string;

interface Unit { // component
	void attack(Player u);

interface AttackDecorator : Unit { // decorator
	// nothing to implement

class Player : Unit { // concrete component

	private string name;
	this() { }
	this(string name) { = name;
	void attack(Player u) {
		writefln("Target: " ~ u.toString());
		writef("normal attack");
	public string getName() {
		return name;

class Knight : Player {
	this() {
		super("Knight"); // default name
	this(string name) {
		super(name); // call the super class' constructor
		writefln("%s has joined the game", this);
	string toString() { // string representation of this class
		return super.getName();

class Assassin : Player {

	this() { 
		super("Assassin"); // default name
	this(string name) {
		super(name); // call the super class' constructor
		writefln("%s has joined the game", this);
	string toString() { // string representation of this class
		return super.getName();

class Bash : AttackDecorator {
	private Unit wrapperObj;
	this(Unit u) {
		this.wrapperObj = u;
	void attack(Player u) {
		writef(" + bash");

class ChainLightning : AttackDecorator {
	private	Unit wrapperObj;
	this(Unit u) {
		this.wrapperObj = u;
	~this() { }
	void attack(Player u) {
		writefln(" + chain lightning");

int main() {
	Unit player = new Knight("Arth"); // the attacker
	player = new Bash(player); // decorated attack
	player = new ChainLightning(player); // decorated attack umm... err btw does knight have a chain lightning?
	player.attack(new Assassin("Lloyd"));  // the target
	// hopefully assassin don't have a chance to fight back ^_^
	/* You can add your own code here if you want the assassin to fight back
	 * But first you need to change something in the code and add your code
	 * below this comment block
	return 0;