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DFL TextBox with Selection reverse video

Part of DflCategory


Demonstrates how to find and select text in single-line and multi-line TextBoxes such that the found characters are highlighted in reverse video. For the multi-line TextBox, the selected chars aren't visible, so scrollToCaret is used to bring it into view.


import std.stdio, std.string;
import dfl.form, dfl.textbox, dfl.button, dfl.event, dfl.application, dfl.drawing;

class MainForm: Form 
  TextBox single, multi; 
    Button sbtn; 
    with(sbtn = new Button) 
      text = "&Find 'ment for'"; 
      parent = this; 
      click ~= &sbtn_click; 
    with(single = new TextBox) 
      left = sbtn.right + 4; 
      text = "Open Source Development for D Open Source Development for D"; 
      hideSelection = false; 
      parent = this; 
    Button mbtn; 
    with(mbtn = new Button) 
      top = 40; 
      text = "&Find 'for D 6'"; 
      parent = this; 
      click ~= &mbtn_click; 
    with(multi = new TextBox) 
      text = "Line 1 Open Source Development for D 111\r\n"

             "Line 2 Open Source Development for D 222\r\n"
             "Line 3 Open Source Development for D 333\r\n"
             "Line 4 Open Source Development for D 444\r\n"
             "Line 5 Open Source Development for D 555\r\n"
             "Line 6 Open Source Development for D 666\r\n"
             "Line 7 Open Source Development for D 777\r\n"

             "Line 8 Open Source Development for D 888\r\n"
             "Line 9 Open Source Development for D 999"; 
      hideSelection = false; 
      bounds = Rect(mbtn.right + 4,, 200, 60); 
      multiline = true; 
      acceptsReturn = true; 
      parent = this; 
  private void sbtn_click(Object sender, EventArgs ea) 
    int foundOffset = std.string.rfind(single.text, "ment for"); 
    if(foundOffset != -1) {, 8);  // 8 is len of 'ment for'

  private void mbtn_click(Object sender, EventArgs ea) 
    int foundOffset = std.string.rfind(multi.text, "for D 6"); 
    if(foundOffset != -1) {, 7); // 7 is len of 'for D 6' 


void main()
{ MainForm);


Posted by Lynn
Date/Time Mon Dec 27, 2004 7:23 pm