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Part of TemplatesCategory


An iterator with a list class


 * Copyright (c) 2004
 * Sean Kelly
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
 * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
 * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
 * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
 * in supporting documentation.  Author makes no representations about
 * the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
 * "as is" without express or implied warranty.

// simple list type

// this is defined kind of oddly to get around scoping problems
template List( Ty )
    alias Ty        Value;
    alias size_t    Size;

    class Node
        alias List!(Ty).Value   Value;
            prev = this;
            next = this;

        this( Value v )
            val = v;

        Value   val;
        Node    prev,

    class Iterator
        alias List!(Ty).Value   Value;
        this( Node n )
            ref = n;

        Iterator opAddAssign( int unused )
            ref =;
            return this;

        Iterator opPostInc()
            iterator tmp( ref );
            ref =;
            return tmp;
        Iterator opSubAssign( int unused )
            ref = ref.prev;
            return this;
        Iterator opPostDec()
            iterator tmp( ref );
            ref = ref.prev;
            return tmp;
        int opEquals( Iterator rhs )
            return ref == rhs.ref;

        void val( Value v )
            ref.val = v;

        Value val()
            return ref.val;
        Node    ref;

    class Container
        alias List!(Ty).Iterator Iterator;
        alias List!(Ty).Value    Value;
        alias List!(Ty).Size     Size;
            m_head  = new Node();
            m_size  = 0;

        Size size()
            return m_size;
        bit empty()
            return m_size == 0;

        Iterator begin()
            return new Iterator( );
        Iterator end()
            return new Iterator( m_head );

        Value front()

        Value back()
            return m_head.prev.val;

        void pushFront( Value val )
            insert( begin(), val );

        void pushBack( Value val )
            insert( end(), val );

        Iterator insert( Iterator pos, Value val )
            Node n = new Node( val );
   = pos.ref;
            n.prev = pos.ref.prev;
   = n;
            pos.ref.prev = n;
            return --pos;

        Node    m_head;
        Size    m_size;

// default iterator definitions that apply
// to all user-defined containers
template IterImpl( Ty )
    alias Ty            Container;
    alias Ty.Iterator   Iterator;    
    alias Ty.Value      Value;
    alias Ty.Size       Size;

    Iterator begin( Container cont )
        return cont.begin();

    Iterator end( Container cont )
        return cont.end();

// iterator specialization for primitive array
template IterImpl( Ty : Ty[] )
    alias Ty[]      Container;
    alias Ty        Value;
    alias size_t    Size;
    class Iterator
        this( Ty* pos )
            m_pos = pos;

        Iterator opAddAssign( int unused )
            if( m_pos )
            return this;

        Iterator opSubAssign( int unused )
            if( m_pos )
            return this;

        int opEquals( Iterator rhs )
            return m_pos == rhs.m_pos;

        void val( Value val )
            if( m_pos )
                *m_pos = val;

        Value val()
            return m_pos ? *m_pos : Ty.init;
        Value*  m_pos;

    Iterator begin( Container cont )
        return new Iterator( cont.length ? &cont[0] : null );

    Iterator end( Container cont )
        return new Iterator( cont.length ? &cont[0] + cont.length : null );

// convenience wrappers to reduce type length
template Iterator( Ty )
    alias IterImpl!(Ty).Iterator Iterator;

template begin( Ty )
    alias IterImpl!(Ty).begin begin;

template end( Ty )
    alias IterImpl!(Ty).end end;

// slightly lame sample algorithm that only works for int value types
template print( Iter )
    void print( Iter begin, Iter end )
        for( ; begin != end; ++begin )
            printf( "%d\n", begin.val );

int main( char[][] args )
    alias List!(int).Container  IntList;
    alias int[]                 IntArray;

    IntList     list    = new IntList();
    IntArray    array;

    list.insert( list.begin(), 1 );
    list.insert( list.begin(), 2 );
    list.insert( list.begin(), 3 );
    array.length = 3;
    array[0] = 7;
    array[1] = 8;
    array[2] = 9;

    Iterator!(IntList)  l_begin = begin!(IntList)( list ),
                        l_end   = end!(IntList)( list );
    Iterator!(IntArray) a_begin = begin!(IntArray)( array ),
                        a_end   = end!(IntArray)( array );

    print!(Iterator!(IntList))( l_begin, l_end );
    printf( "\n" );
    print!(Iterator!(IntArray))( a_begin, a_end );
    return 0;


From digitalmars.D:7583: