= printf Example = ''Part of'' TutorialFundamentals It's better to use writef these days, but here's a printf example just for the heck of it. {{{ #!d int main(char[][] args) { printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; } }}} Here's the same thing with writef: {{{ #!d import std.stdio; int main(char[][] args) { writefln("Hello World"); return 0; } }}} However when using the ''%s'' formatting token with printf you must be careful to use it with the embedded length qualifier. This is because the difference between C++ and D is that C++ strings are zero-terminated character arrays referenced by an address, but in D they are a dynamic array object which is really an eight-byte structure containing length and pointer. {{{ #!d int main(char[][] args) { printf("%.*s\n", args[0]); // printf("%s\n", args[0]); // <<-- This will fail. return 0; } }}}