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Templated Inheritance

Part of TemplatesCategory


This allows the program to decide what a class will inherit from. Note that if your inheriting from an interface the templated class must already implement the needed.


import std.stdio;

void main() {
	(new C!(A)).sayWhat;
	(new C!(B)).iSaidIt;
	(new D!(A)).sayWhat;
	(new D!(B)).iSaidIt;

interface iA { void sayWhat(); }
interface iB { void iSaidIt(); }

class A : iA {
	void sayWhat() {
		writefln("Say what?");
class B : iB{
	void iSaidIt() {
		writefln("You know what I said.");

class C(T) : T {}
class D(T) : T {
	void sayWhat() {
		Stdout("Say what?").newline;
	void iSaidIt() {
		Stdout("You know what I said.").newline;


Say what?
You know what I said.
Say what?
You know what I said.