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Threads and Delegates

Part of Standard Library Category


import std.c.time;
import std.stdio;
import std.thread;

class Foo
   int _v;

   this(int n)
      _v = n;

   public int glob()
      return _v;

class WorkerThread
   int _v;

   this(int n)
      _v = n;

   // Here's a private member function - we'll call this from the run() method
   void identify()
      writefln("WorkerThread(%d)", _v);

   // When run is called via the delegate it will have the appropriate this
   // pointer, and so has access to all the fields and methods of its class.
   public int run()
      for (;;)
      return 0;

// In the thread 2 case, we override the thread class, and provide the run method
// explicitly
class Thread2 : Thread
   int _v;

   this(int n)
      _v = n;
   public int run()
      for (;;)
         writefln("Thread2 %d", _v);;
      return 0;

void bar(int delegate() a)
   writefln("rv = %d", a());

// In the case of thread 3, this will serve as the run method, and
// it will be called with the value of the second argument to the
// thread constructor (the documentation is not correct in this respect).
int x(void *p)
   int *ip = cast(int*) p;
   for (;;)
      writefln("Thread3 %d", *ip);
   return 0;

void main(char[][] args)
   // Before we get to threads, these first few lines just illustrate the
   // general ideas of delegates as applied to class member functions.
   Foo foo = new Foo(42);
   int delegate() dg = &foo.glob;
   int n = dg();
   writefln("n = %d", n);
   int n3 = 123;

   // Now the different ways of instantiating threads.
   WorkerThread wt = new WorkerThread(22);
   dg = &;
   Thread t1 = new Thread(dg);

   Thread2 t2 = new Thread2(321);

   Thread t3 = new Thread(&x, &n3);


Sample Batch File

@echo off
set pgm=ThreadsAndDelegatesExample
dmd %pgm%.d 

erase *.obj
erase *.map

Tested Environment

Tested with Digital Mars D Compiler v1.014 on Windows 2000.


Based on "Threads, delegates, and all that" by teales.