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This project is not in active development. At this point (Feb 2008), it shouldn't be too difficult to get it working with recent DMD releases.



Quick Start

Wombat is a library for using CGI ( tested with Apache 1 & 2 ) for web applications.

Wombat works in pairs, there is a D file that contains all your business logic, and an HTML file that has embedded code for presentation logic. Here is an example

Every Wombat application must call dgi_begin() ( all headers must be sent before this is called ) , and dgi_end (). And if you have a corresponding HTML file, you must import the file and [tem]plate the file, for example:

const char [] html = import("get.html");
const char [] code = plateFile(html);

This is all that is required to for your Wombat apps!

Here is a list of global variables available to you at runtime for your web app.

char [] [ char [] ] cookies; // if ( "myCookie" in cookies ) print(cookies["myCookie"]);
char [] [ char [] ] get; // get["myVar"];
char [] [ char [] ] post; // post[myVar"];
char [] [ char [] ] session; // session["mySessionVar"];
char [] [ char [] ] [ char [] ] files; // print(files["myFile"]["size"]);
                                       // print(files["myFile"]["client_file_name"]);
                                       // print(files["myFile"]["server_file_name"]);

And here is a quick function reference

void header( char [] text ); // send out standard headers
void redirect( char [] url ) ; // redirect user to said url

bool fileWrite( char [] path, char [] content, bool append = false ); // write to a file
char [] fileRead( char [] path ); // slurps in a file
void fileMove( char [] source, char [] destination ); // move a file 

char [] urlEncode ( char [] url ); // encode a url
char [] urlDecode ( char [] url ); // dencode a url


Coming up Next

  • ORM mapper, that generates SQL for committing - retrieving and creating D beans based on in file comments
  • Plates for Mango's servlets