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Ticket #120 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

Simple bugs in joystick input

Reported by: SirAlaran Assigned to: ChristianK
Priority: blocker Milestone: 0.3 GUI - Physics - Refactor Release
Component: input Version: svn
Keywords: Cc:


Line 375 of input.d should read like this:

	assert(isJoystickOpen(index) && numJoystickAxes(index) > axis);

but right now it says this:

	assert(isJoystickOpen(index) && numJoystickAxes(index) < axis);

It asserts that there are fewer axes available than the specified axis. This typo is also present in joyButtonDown, joyButtonUp, joyButtonPressed, and joyButtonReleased. (It may be elsewhere also)

A case of copy/paste gone wrong?

Change History

11/03/09 18:58:05 changed by clayasaurus

  • status changed from new to closed.
  • resolution set to fixed.

Fixed, I think, let me know if its still broke